The influences of the internal irreversibility and the high-low temperature ratio in isobaric process on the optimal performance of the system are revealed. 同时揭示了内不可逆性及等压过程高低温比值对系统优化性能的影响。
Random measured data is regressed using SPSS software, and the mathematical model among internal returns ratio and the daily production of single well and the well depth was obtained. 利用SPSS软件对随机测得的数据进行回归,得到内部收益率与单井日产量和井深的具体数值方程。
Then, according to mathematics equation of the model, an equation of internal returns ratio and daily production of single well and well depth was derived. 然后,根据模型的数学方程推导出关于内部收益率与单井日产量和井深的方程式。
Internal exchange rate; modified Bruno ratio: As for the Bruno ratio But using for the entire project life instead of for just one year. 内部汇率;修正的布鲁诺比率:一种布鲁诺比率,但不是只用于一年,而是用于整个项目的生命期。
It shows negative correlation between internal returns ratio and well depth, and positive correlation between interval returns ratio and daily production of single well. 数值方程显示:内部收益率与井深成负相关关系,与单井日产量成正相关关系。
Study on back pressure and self-starting characteristics for sidewall-compression inlet with variable internal contraction ratio by moving cowl 移动唇口变收缩比侧压式进气道反压特性和自起动性能
The second one is the study situation of voltage transfer ratio above 0.866. And the voltage transfer ratio is deduced by means of power electronic transformation technique. The internal relation between the voltage transfer ratio and the control angle is disclosed. 第二种是电压传输比在0.866以上的研究状况,并对电压传输比从变流技术的角度进行了推导,揭示了电压传输比与控制角的内在联系。
Calculation of internal income ratio with simple formula 用简单公式法计算内部收益效率
The influence of internal recycle ratio and influent loads on biological nitrogen removal was discussed. 结果考察工艺的启动挂膜性能以及硝化液回流比和进水负荷对脱氮效果的影响。
Therefore, when the volume ratios of anoxic zone to aerobic zone continue to be increased, internal recirculation ratio shall be adjusted, otherwise the nitrate concentration will not be enough in anoxic zone and phosphorus will be released again. 此外,如果继续增大缺氧区与好氧区容积比,应适当调整内循环比,否则会由于缺氧区硝酸盐浓度不够而发生二次释磷现象。
INTERNAL VOLUME REFRIGERATING RATIO OF SCROLL COMPRESSOR Determination of Carbon Deposited on Catalysts by Gas Chromatography 涡旋制冷压缩机的结构内容积比气相色谱法测定催化剂中的积碳量
For the convenience of applications, several sets of curves, for both the skin effect resistance ratio and internal inductance ratio of solid and tubular cylindrical conductors, which cover different ranges of parameters, are presented. 为方便应用,还给出了不同参数范围下的实心与管状圆柱形导线的集肤电阻比和内电感比曲线。
This project benefit share time is three years, the simple recoupment period 1.4 years, internal returns ratio reaches 39%, the energy conservation investment income is quite considerable. 该项目效益分享期为三年,简单回收期1.4年,内部收益率达39%,节能投资收益相当可观。
The effects of winding angle on the strength of fiber-winding composite pipe with ends under internal pressure ( the ratio of hoop stress to axial stress is 2 ∶ 1) were investigated based on Hoffman failure criterion here. 基于Hoffman复合材料失效准则,考察了缠绕角对两端封闭的纤维缠绕复合材料内压管道(环向/轴向应力比为2∶1)强度的影响。
The Tangent Method About the Internal Revenue Ratio of the Establishing Item 求解建设项目内部收益率的切线法
According to the computer calculation results of internal force and steel ratio to three design proposals of cement& flue vertical-tube frame in Shaanxi Jingyang Cement Plant, a optimum structure design plan is proposed after synthetical analysis. 根据陕西省径阳水泥厂水泥窑立筒框架三种设计方案的内力与配筋微机计算结果,经过综合研究分析,提出较为合理的结构设计方案。
Polymer concentration of internal phase, ratio of bupivacaine: PLA, organic solution and stirring rate could affect microspheres size and size distribution. 实验结果表明:内相聚合物浓度,布比卡因浓度、布比卡因与聚乳酸的投料比、有机溶媒的选择、搅拌速度可影响微球的粒径和分布。
PS has many unique properties such as enormous internal surface, high resistance ratio, high chemical activity, etc, praised as "quantum sponge". 人们发现它具有若干独特的性能,如极大的比表面、高电阻率、高化学活性等。被誉为量子海绵。
Moreover, influences of shear softening modulus and internal length parameter of void ratio are investigated. 内部长度越小,剪胀后剪切带内部孔隙比梯度越大。
A screw refrigerating compressor with stepless regulated internal volume ratio 内容积比无级调节的螺杆制冷压缩机
The intensity of sloshing depends on many factors, such as frequency of excitation 、 compartment geometry 、 internal components 、 filling ratio and liquid properties. 影响晃荡的参数有很多,晃荡的剧烈程度与外界的激励频率、舱室的几何形状及尺寸、内部构件、液体充装高度、液体属性等因素有关。
The control system use Biotechnology Intelligent Optimization System ( BIOS) and PLC intelligent control system. The system can control algorithm of biochemical pool dissolved oxygen DO and internal reflux ratio IRQ, ensure water quality and energy saving effect 20~ 40%. 控制系统采用生物工艺智能优化系统(BIOS)与PLC智能控制系统相结合,对生物反应池的溶解氧DO和内回流比IRQ实现了稳定控制,保证了出水水质及节能降耗20~40%。
Bearing capacity coefficients are then given for calculating the bearing capacity by using the method of the superposition involved in the conventional bearing capacity formula and investigating the effects of the angle of internal friction and the length-width ratio of footing. 为了使该方法能用传统的叠加法公式进行地基承载力计算,给出了三维条件下的各地基承载力系数值,并研究了基础长宽比和土的内摩擦角对各系数的影响。
Overseas M A on financial performance of companies in the 29 samples of studies have shown that the internal factors accounts receivable turnover ratio has improved enterprises financial performance. 对我国企业海外并购财务绩效影响因素的样本研究表明,企业内部因素应收账款周转率的提高有利于企业实行海外并购。
In financial respects, it analyzes some financial and accounting indexes such as the net present value, internal return ratio, and investment recycling time etc. and concludes that it is available in financial and accounting. 在财务可行性分析中,对项目的净现值、内部收益率、投资回收期等财务指标进行了详细的分析,得出了项目在财务上可行。
The effects of diameter to thickness ratio, internal pressure ratio, and material properties on critical buckling strains of the perfect pipes are studied. 系统研究了管道径厚比、内压、管道钢类型等因素对临界屈曲应变的影响。
The removal rate was 80% when the internal recycle ratio was 300%. 当硝化液回流比达到300%时,系统对TN的去除效率达到80%。
Yunnan Province, the structure of fiscal expenditure should be adjusted to further increase the health expenditure of Culture and Education Section, and to take measures to optimize the internal ratio of the expenditure. 应将云南省财政支出的结构进行调整,进一步加大文教科卫支出,同时采取措施优化各支出项目的内部比例。